In the 1930, a spiritual program known as 12 Steps of AA was developed per chance during a meeting between Dr. Bob Smith and Bill Wilson. Today, it is recognized as one of the most effective and result-driven methods to overcome alcohol addiction.
For many years of struggling with alcoholism, Bill & Bob came to the conclusion that traditional therapies are ineffective. However, as they were helping each other out to live a sober life, they realized that spirituality, accountability, and willingness to help others, together can work magic.
Thus, the duo organized a self-motivated group, Alcohol Anonymous, that has helped hundreds and thousands of addicts find recovery. Over the years, several AA meetings have held across the globe. Anyone can attend these meetings, making 12 steps of AA an ideal resource for long lasting recovery.
Today, Alcoholic Anonymous is not the only organization that uses the 12 Steps. There are several other substance and behaviour-oriented fellowships, including Narcotics Anonymous (NA), Cocaine Anonymous, Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous, and more.
The 12 Steps is a straightforward program, aiming at finding freedom from using and a path to serenity. “One day at a time” is one of the famous mantras of this program.