Drug Awareness Programme

At Naveen Kiran Rehabilitation Center Drug Rehabilitation & Counselling Centre, we have recently organized a Drug Awareness programme. During the event, the patients undergoing treatment performed plays, songs, and puppet shows for the guests present. Through the acts, the patients exhibited the will power to overcome their every weakness and gave a message about staying away from any substance abuse or drug addiction.

The primary aim behind organizing the drug awareness campaign is to help those facing addiction or are in need for a spiritual therapy based on the 12 Steps Recovery programme.

Some of the patients stated that the main problems faced after getting addicted to drugs was lack of confidence, depression, lethargy, hopelessness, and pre-mature death. But, as they were recovering through the therapy, they gained more confidence and started a meaningful spiritual life and, in the process, eliminated their obsession for drugs or alcohol.

The Road to Recovery – Controlling Triggers & Avoiding Cravings

Becoming sober and completing a drug abuse rehabilitation programme are among the first major steps in the recovery process, but once you are sober, you will need to essentially retrain your brain to avoid drugs. Thinking that you can leave a course of recovery and be completely “craving-free” is a lofty goal, and one that not everyone can achieve.

Still, if you can recognize the warning signs of an impending relapse and stay steadfast in your recovery, you can often keep from falling back into bad habits. One of the most effective ways to handle your cravings is to make a concerted effort to avoid the people, old environment, and occasions that act as triggers for you.

Generally, you should take the following steps to keep your cravings under control and reduce your triggers –

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